The age calculator uses your birthdate and the current date to calculate your exact age in years, months, and days.
Age Calculator
Calculate age to current date:
Today’s date: 12 February 2025
0 year(s) 0 month(s) 0 day(s)
Calculate age to a given date:
0 year(s) 0 month(s) 0 day(s)
Welcome to our versatile age calculator! This tool calculates your current age when you input your date of birth. You can use it to find out your age on a specific past or future date by entering that date in the ‘Your Birth Date’ field. The output is displayed in years, months, and days. (TO BE ADDED LATER, WHEN WE HAVE THE FEATURES): For a detailed breakdown, check the section where ages are shown in months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Our calculator is not limited to just calculating human ages. It will be handy if you want to determine the age of various items, such as artefacts, antiques, family heirlooms, or even trees, by using the date they were created or discovered. In a more historical or cultural context, age calculators can be employed to find out the age of buildings, monuments, or institutions from the date they were established. Simply input the acquisition date of the item, or the completion date of the monument, or the publication date of the book in the ‘Your Birth Date (From)’ field and today's date in the ‘To Date’ field to see how old these items are.What Is An Age Calculator?
An age calculator is a digital tool designed to help users determine the age of a person, place, or object from a specific start date to a chosen end date. It can assist users in detailed planning or tracking specific milestones and anniversaries. Age calculators are particularly useful for determining eligibility for certain age-specific activities or benefits, such as while filling up a school or college admission form, examination form, or a job application, among other things.How To Use This Age Calculator?
The calculator automatically sets today's date in the ‘Your Birth Date’, 'Your Birth Date (From)' and ‘To Date’ fields. It uses the Gregorian calendar to make the calculations. To calculate your current age or the age of an object, simply enter the relevant ‘Your Birth Date (From)’ details and keep the ‘To Date’ field unchanged. To find out your age or the age of an object on a particular date, fill in the ‘Your Birth Date’ with the necessary details and set the desired date in the ‘To Date’ field.Steps To Use This Age Calculator
To calculate the current age, choose the appropriate month, day, and year from the drop-down menus in the ‘Your Birth Date’ field. Click on the ‘CALCULATE’ button and the result will be displayed on your screen. To calculate the age up to a given date, choose the appropriate month, day, and year from the drop-down menus in the ‘Your Birth Date (From)’ field. Fill in or adjust the ‘To Date’ field by selecting the desired date. Click on the ‘CALCULATE’ button to view the results.FAQ
How does the age calculator work?
What formats do you support for entering my birthdate?
You can enter your birthdate in various formats, including MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY, and YYYY-MM-DD. Just make sure to follow the specific format indicated on the page.
Can I calculate my age in different time zones?
Yes! The age calculator considers your local time zone when calculating your age, ensuring accurate results based on your location.
Is there an option to calculate age for future dates?
Yes, you can enter a future date to see how old you will be on that date!
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Sagarneel SinhaSagarneel Sinha